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Подготовительное отделение для иностранных граждан


Гребенюк Елена Федоровна

Должность руководителя
400005, г. Волгоград, проспект им. В.И. Ленина, 27

Общая информация

Подготовительное отделение успешно готовит иностранных слушателей к поступлению в вузы Волгограда и других городов России. Обучение на подготовительном отделении дает иностранным слушателям уникальную возможность заложить твердую основу знаний грамматики русского языка и приобрести навыки устной и письменной речи, а также получить знания по общеобразовательным дисциплинам по выбранному профилю подготовки.

A year at the Preparatory Department will help you to:

  • master enough Russian to study at a Russian university;
  • brush up your knowledge of exam subjects;
  • learn Russian traditions and adapt to the new lifestyle.

After taking a preparatory course, prospective students can apply to any Russian university for a Russian-taught education program.

Educational programs:

  • Engineering and Technology (Russian language, Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
  • Natural sciences (Russian language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)
  • Medical and Biological field (Russian language, Chemistry, Biology and Physics)

As a rule courses start in September-December and end in June-July.

Tuition fees:
– educational course – 100 000 rubles per year;
– accommodation in dormitory – double room 860-1300 rubles per month.

Students have to pay:
– medical insurance – 4000-6000 rubles per year;
– mandatory fingerprinting, photographs and medical examinations (drug addiction, HIV) - about 6000 rubles.

We do not charge a fee for making an invitation.

To apply for study and to submit documents for invitation letter, you should get access to your Personal Account here

You can fill in the application in English.

Application dates: during the year

Feel free to use these contacts to ask questions, make inquiries and propose suggestions: mo@vspu.ru.
